3 Powerful Ways to Create Sacred Workspace at Home

“This whole work from home thing is freaking me out. I was home until 10:45 am and then I came to the Equator. It got lonely. And now the coffee shop is empty too. Dude this whole thing is weird,” he said.

The guy sitting next to me was talking on his phone, with his laptop in hand, while I was waiting for my oat milk chai latte. This was only three weeks ago --- it feels like months. 

It got me thinking about people who haven’t worked from home before. In the middle of uncertain times, the feeling of isolation can be our biggest distraction. 

When you learn to work from home successfully you become aware of interruptions you habitually create for yourself. It’s interesting.

I remember when I first worked from home as a copywriter. I was learning so many new things and had to find clients. There were (and still are) distractions both real and self-imposed. I don’t have kids so it’s just me disturbing myself most of the time! 

I learned -- over time -- better habits, routines and even rituals that helped me focus and weed out the big diversions. Ways to feel calmer and more productive working from home. 

I thought I’d share my three core habits around what I call, “creating sacred workspace”. When I can do all three of these I can drop into my concentration zone. 

Jen Baxter Copywriter Work From Home

Create Visual Cues Where You Work

Whether you have a home office, the dining room table or you’ve taken over the communal family desk by the kitchen, you can create a small altar. 

It sets the stage as a visual signal that this is where you come to do your work. It could even be a comfy chair with a side table next to it. 

I use a storage cabinet near my desk and by a window. On top are a couple of writing books, a journal and something inspirational. Sometimes there are seashells or a photo I love. There’s usually a plant or fresh flowers. And I always keep a candle.

This is a visual cue that I will do my work here. Before I even crack open the laptop it’s a sign I’m preparing to get in the zone.  

Which leads me to my next powerful ritual.

Don’t Check the News or Social Media for the first 1-2 hours

This one is the game-changer. It can be hard to do. Sometimes it can be a total relief.

Once I get started, the first 1-2 hours are all about writing work. Often my work involves a lot of internet research. I need to keep current with online marketing, and that’s a rabbit hole. 

This probably works so well for me because I know the potential pitfalls. Avoiding the news and social media absolutely helps me get in the groove. 

I recently had a conversation with another copywriter about this. She’s a news junkie and reads on her iPad while having her morning coffee. When she skips the news -- it increases her motivation and focus. 

You don’t have to take my word for it, test it yourself.

Evaluate it. See how you feel. 

Pro Tip: Skip checking email first thing in the morning. Sometimes it takes a herculean effort not to click on those links when the email is so well written. So I abolish the temptation altogether. 

Say A Short Creative Blessing or Prayer Before You Start

I’m an intention setter.

From the time I started working from home, I set an intention every time I sit down to work. Mostly because I believe in the power it holds. 

Before I sit at my desk, I light the candle and take a long, slow, deep, breath. Then I say these two blessings with the intention that I’ll be able to focus and bring the best of what I’ve got that day to my work. 

The first one came from Elizabeth Gilbert.

It’s called the Celtic Prayer of Approach. She says it whenever she begins something new in life.  It goes:

I honor your Gods,

I drink at your well,

I bring an undefended heart to our meeting place,

I have no cherished outcomes,

I will not negotiate by withholding, and,

I am not subject to disappointment. 

My favorite line is “I am not subject to disappointment.” So hard. So good. 

And the second one came to me in a freewriting session a few years ago. 

This is a rhyme I use all the time:

I call on all my angels, masters, teachers, and guides,

To help me bring forth the gifts I have inside,

And share them with undaunting love and pride, 

To be of service and find my tribe.

I do these things before (as often as I can) before I even crack open the laptop. 

Trust me, there are days when I flip open that laptop so fast that I forget all those steps... and I feel it. I know something is off. 

I immediately I shut it down. Light the candle, say the blessing and take a long, slow, deep breath. Then I get back to the computer. 

You can try these out and see if they’re useful in starting your day less distracted, in a better mood and more focused. Feel free to start with these and then modify them with things that are meaningful to you. 

And let me know how it works by either leaving a comment below or shoot me a quick email. I’d love to know if you have any rituals you do before you start to work. 


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