Don’t just market your book.

Start a movement.

I help thought leaders build an author platform that leverages their book for real impact.

Jen’s copy connected with my audience in a genuine and compelling way.

What sets her apart is her holistic approach to building an author platform. Rather than focusing solely on the book itself, she helped me see the bigger picture of how the book fits into brand positioning and business goals. Her expertise extends beyond just copywriting.

She knows how to effectively communicate an author's professional magic. She understands the power of personality and knows how to infuse it into my website, emails, and landing pages.

~ Jason Portnoy, Author and Venture Capitalist

We all judge a book by its cover…

But a standout cover design isn’t enough to build your audience. We follow authors for their message.

Publishing a book that changes lives and makes an impact is one part book to two parts audience.

Whether you already have a tight group of raving fans or you’re the typical recluse whose only potential reader right now is your cat…

Getting your book into readers’ hands takes:

  • Growing an email list of raving fans

  • 5-star Amazon reviews

  • Carefully crafted back cover copy & author bio

And even if you don't have any of these things—don’t panic.

You're in the right place because I can help you with all three.

Why do you need a specialist book marketing copywriter?

Because good copywriting is the cornerstone of your marketing. And it's not something you can expect a great publicist or social media manager to specialize in.

You chose an expert to design your why would you leave the marketing copy to an amateur?

A professional copywriter knows how to talk to your reader about why they need to buy your book today—and make sure it’s at the top of their reading pile.

I‘m here to get your book doing what you always dreamed it would:

Changing people’s lives.

Three ways I can help:

Start & Grow Your Substack Session

(Perfect when you’re stuck and need help developing your idea and setting it up.)

So you’ve decided to start a Substack. (Everyone else is…) And now you need to think about your unique perspective and how to get started.

This session will help you get clear when you’re confused about how and when to start a Substack. Talk it through with someone who’s been on Substack for 2 years, has worked on the inside of book publishing, and can help you develop a strategy so you can focus on the writing.

I break it into two parts so you have time to think strategically in between.

We start with a one-hour session to talk about your ideas, the name, and what your goals are. After, I send you a few how-to videos to walk you through setting your profile up on the platform. And we schedule our next 90-minute session

In our 90-minute session, we walk through your writer dashboard so you can navigate the platform on your own. We talk through the most important pieces of content to write first so you’re set up for success.

What’s Included:

  • Both 1-on-1’s with Jen

  • Helpful videos to get you started

  • A custom roadmap of 3 actionable next steps delivered with a recording and transcript of our call

  • Peace of mind with a dose of clarity about your next steps

Get Details on That Here

••Email Authority Essentials ••

(Every author needs this.)

You need an email strategy to turn ordinary readers into raving fans who’ll pre-order, pore over, and promote everything you write… because they love you and your message.

I’ll write a series of emails for you that have them at “hello” and lead them to “must have.”

What’s Included:

  • Author/ book landing page

  • 5 email nurture sequence after you give away your first chapter as a lead magnet

  • SEO Optimized Amazon book page

  • Confidence in your polished landing page and email strategy


Get Started

Bob Goulet Chasm Author Inc 5000 Event

Bestseller Blueprint

(For ambitious authors looking for greater impact.)

These essential pieces are the foundation of your book marketing tool kit. Think of them as your “core visibility pieces.” I’ll craft the words every author needs to authentically connect with their readers on the pages that matter most in your marketing copy.

What’s Included:

  • Everything in Email Essentials (Above)

  • Back Cover Copy

  • Short author bio (150 words max for back cover)

  • Longer author bio for Goodreads & Amazon

  • SEO Optimized Amazon book page

  • Outreach emails for your selected network to get early Amazon reviews

  • Full trust that your foundational marketing assets are dialed in


Get Started

** Wholesale rates available for publishers and small presses.**

Get in touch

Here’s a sneak peek of what I can do with your message:

  • “I worked closely with Jen as we built my author platform and she gave me invaluable information for creating my newsletter and growing my followers. Jen is not only a wonderful person, but she is brilliant when it comes to creating a digital strategy to grow your online business!”

    Craig Perkins, Bestselling Author, Small Business Coach and Entrepreneur

  • “Thanks to Jen’s  expertise, my author platform was launched with my bestselling book, and I've received bookings for speaking and coaching engagements, which establishes me as a thought leader in my area of expertise. I am truly grateful for her copywriting and highly recommend her services to anyone in need of a digital strategist and copy queen!”

    Freeman Fung, Certified Life Coach, Mindvalley Community Builder, and Bestselling Author

  • “Jen and I worked together during our high pressure book launch with multiple strong personalities and competing positions. She understood the big picture, explained the strategy to us, and wrote copy that moved our audience through a sales structure that was engaging and effective.”

    Lorri Zell, COO Zell Law

  • "Jen’s expertise extends beyond just copywriting. She knows how to effectively communicate an author's professional magic. She uses the power of personality to infuse it into website content, emails, and landing pages. She understood how to connect with my audience in a genuine and compelling way.”

    Anthony Arismendi, Former FBI Special Agent, and Bestselling Author

✺ What everybody always wants to know ✺

  • An effiective landing page doesn’t have a top navigation bar. There’s only one thing for your reader to do. In this case, it’s sign up for email list to check out your free chapter. We give them no opportunity to click away like a website will do.

  • I’m not taking website clients right now, but I know some great copywriters who will. I’m happy to refer you to someone who can write an entire website.

  • Nope, my expertise isn’t around pitching to podcasts or landing traditional media opportunities. But I’m happy to work with a publicist if you have one. And I can usually give you a referral.

  • Absolutely not! Especially if you don’t have an email list! But you do want a solid draft of most of the book completed. We can talk about where you are in your writing process and the best time for you to get started.

  • I have a handy list of materials for each package that I’m happy to go over on a consult call with you. At a minimum, I’ll need a summary of the book, and at least the first few chapters.

  • Since design isn’t in my wheelhouse, you’ll need to handle all that.

  • I’ll be delivering all your copy in a Google Doc. So no heavy tech there. If you’re in an email platform I’m familiar with I can give you some guidance (especially around segmentation) but you’ll need to handle the actual backend set up.

  • It’ll depend on a few factors and how long it takes to get all the materials I need. But a typical turnaround time (with everything in place) is about 2 weeks for either package.

  • HEY! What a great idea! Let’s do it. Hit that button below and we’ll set one up. (I’ll make it work with any time zone!) 😂 Make mine a local craft cider.